Serving Chatham and surrounding areas, Southwest Agromart is dedicated to providing aerial fungicide spraying services. Our aerial fungicide spraying is available during the months of July and August. Aerial fungicide spraying offers a quick and efficient way to treat large farmland areas with ease.

Understanding Aerial Fungicide Spraying

Aerial fungicide spraying is a groundbreaking technology that has transformed crop protection for Chatham farmers, providing them with a rapid, efficient, and environmentally conscious method to protect their crops from fungal diseases. Our fungicide products, such as Delaro Complete and Veltyma, are leading this advancement.

Delaro Complete By Baer Fungicide Spraying

Delaro ensures effective management of critical corn and soybean diseases by employing three modes of action: Fluopyram, Prothioconazole, and Trifloxystrobin. This triad of approaches synergizes to deliver superior protection, particularly in regions prone to high disease pressure.

Professional Fungicide Spraying With Veltyma – Revysol by BASF

Veltyma – Revysol by BASF, offers swift and comprehensive control of a wide range of fungal pathogens in corn. The binding activity of Revysol contributes to Veltyma’s extended residual efficacy and enhanced performance. This liquid formulation is recognized for its health benefits, promoting growth efficiency, stress management, and increased yield potential.

Do you require comprehensive aerial fungicide spraying in Chatham? Get in touch with us now for a no-cost consultation.